Hi, we’re glad you’re here!

We are a set of sassy sisters with handy husbands who got into the stock tank pool business simply out of desperation for some relaxation and fun in the sun during the pandemic. By day we are a software engineer and an occupational therapist, by night we are pro-level leisure enthusiasts. All four of us are born and bred Austinites. We spend our time tubing on the lake, talking to our plants like they’re our babies, raising our actual babies, and perfecting early ‘00s music video choreography.

Our pools offer fun for the family in a safe way. They’re turn-key ready (we deliver, you just have to prepare a site) and tiny person proportioned at 24” deep. You can leave them filled if you have a safe way to secure them from curious climbers or drain them for peace of mind.

We would love to welcome you into our Sister Stocks And Co. family with your own little slice (tank) of heaven!

Our Team

Lauren and Kyle live on the greenbelt in South Austin with their son and dogs. As the big sister, Lauren could basically say *“hey let’s make pools out of stock tanks and save Austin from boob sweat” and Allison would be like “where do I sign” (*this sentence depicts real life events).  If we were to summarize this pair, it’d be like this: artisanal builder and furniture designer, 20+ years combined pool operation experience, disco roller queens, hair icons, data scientist and engineer, taco connoisseurs, 10/10 aunt and uncle, luxury watering hole travelers. We’re also pretty sure Kyle is the favorite child, even though he’s not related to our parents. Kyle has over 10 years of experience managing and supervising City of Austin pool maintenance, including our childhood favorite Deep Eddy. He’s your resource for all pool questions, and you’ll get to be charmed by him on your install day.

The little sissy of the Sister Stocks & Co duo, Allison lives in Austin with her husband Dustin and kids Emerson and Brooks. How can we say this delicately... remember when your mom told you she hopes you have one just like you? Yeah, that happened. Step in big sister Aunt Lauren (or Aunt Sissy as Emmy calls her), who used her professional research skills to make Emmy a pool to keep her water-loving Pisces heart happy and rescued mom from Blippi marathons (IYKYK). Allison has a doctorate of occupational therapy and works rehabilitating individuals with strokes, amputations, brain injuries, and other various diagnoses.

We do the work so you can relax